Monday, August 25, 2008

daylight thief captures self

John Pearce figured no one would catch him if he broke into a house in broad daylight. So, last week, he took a hammer and smashed a window in a Victorian home in Dartford, Kent (UK).

Unfortunately for John, when he tried to enter the home, he somehow got his foot caught in the window casing... and was left dangling for everyone to see for more than an hour.

The harder he tried to get himself free, the worse it got. Neighbors passed by and made fun of him. A small crowd gathered to see monumental ineptitude in action. The owner of the house arrived and the police were called in.

The home owner is quoted as saying, "He was hanging upside down. His body was inside the house and he was stuck in the window with his foot outside.

"When I got home, he still had the hammer in his hand which he had used to smash the main window and get some leverage.

'...He was screaming to get him down and we were all saying, "I don't think so".

'He kept saying, "I haven't done anything. I was stopping the burglars".'

Later, Pearce, 32, admitted that he was not "stopping the burglars" but was breaking into the home with intent to steal. He has an appointment in court coming up in early September.

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