Wednesday, September 3, 2008

blog of the day

Yesterday, my pointless won the "Blog of the Day" Award. Thanks!

Blog Awards Winner

I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad because without them, well, I wouldn't be here. I'd like to thank my beautiful wife for being beautiful and my children for being my children. I'd like thank Mr. Seevey who taught me how to typ/e in high schoofbl. I'd like to thank Mrs. Drew, my 7th grade teacher, who insisted that we be learn the good English.

I'd like to thank Pete Rice, my first employer at an unnamed hamburger chain who taught me what I didn't want to do for a living. For Mr. Andrew Kay, creator of the Kaypro 2x, my very first computer. I'd like to thank all the folks at Google for letting me use Blogger for nothing.

And finally, I'd like to thank my Scottie dog, Beamer (beam 'er up, Scotty), for keeping me company as I write.

Seriously, thanks for the award. :)