It is always good to know that it could have been worse. Much worse. Below, are my top-20 least-inspiring, wimpy and unfearsome mascot names of other high schools (in no particular order).
Los Olivos, California: Dunn HS - Earwigs
Yuba City, California - Honkers
Fort Collins, Colorado - Lambkins
Avon, Connecticut: Avon Old Farms - Winged Beavers
Tarpon Springs, Florida - Spongers
Centralia, Illinios - Orphans/ Orphan Annies
Cobden, Illinois - Appleknockers
Fisher, Illinois - Bunnies
Freeburg, Illinois - Midgets
New Berlin, Illinois - Pretzels
Frankfort, Indiana - Hot Dogs (hmmm... the Frankfort Hot Dogs)
Vincennes, Indiana: Lincoln - Alices
Watersmeet, Michigan - Nimrods
Chinook, Montana - Sugar Beeters
Fairbury, Nebraska - Jeffs
Johnstown, Ohio: Johnstown-Monroe - Johnnies
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: St. Hubert - Bambies
Houston, Texas: Morris Academy - Praying Hands
San Antonio, Texas: Central Catholic - Buttons
Poca, West Virginia - Dots (yup, they are the Poca Dots)
names via
Give me an N... give me an I... give me an M... give me an, er, um, where were we?
Go Nimrods.
you might also want to see: list of top 20 least inspiring college or university mascots
Not only does Montana boast the Chinook Suger Beeters, we also have the Belfry Bats.....
Not only does Montana boast the Chinook Suger Beeters, We also have the Butte Maroons and the Belfry Bats...
The San Antonio, Texas: Central Catholic - Buttons. Are not what you would consider a traditional button. It symbolizes the buttons on a Rattlesnakes rattle just an FYI.
Alberto, thanks for the fyi. I suppose that makes the mascot a little more inspiring. Too bad they chose one that has to be explained. :)
I'd replace the Honkers with the Watertown Wisconsin Goslings. Nothing is more terrifying than a baby goose.
The term {appleknocker} represents a festival held by Flora Academic Foundation. The apple is a symbol of education. (In Cobden we have the Peach
Festival) The festival brings the schools, civic organizations, business and industry to share their resources and knowledge. Arts, industry displays, culture knowledge and performances are made available at no charge for the community. We are harvesting the knowledge of the community and sharing it with our youth.
F.Y.I. the Softball girls are state champions
Cobden is awesome!!! The Lady Appleknockers (girls basketball team) reach Super-Sectional . . . We are the *&$%, original lol
Go Cobden!!!
Such a informative List.
Have a look at high school mascots
While you were in Illinois, how did you miss the Teutopolis Wooden Shoes?
In Fordyce, Arkansas the high scholl team is the Red Bugs. The girls teams are th Lady Bugs.
My HS Alma Mater I still believe is one of the worst. It was named after the Canning factory in town. The agreement was that if they funded the school to be built, that the mascot would be a “Canner.” So the Mascot, to this day is, “The Biglerville Canners”. They have a “Canner Man” that runs around at Football games. It was, and will always be the laughing stock of neighboring schools souly because of the jacked-up mascot.
Biglerville High School located in Biglerville, PA
I love the Arkansas School for the Deaf Leopards
People from Cobden need to get a sense of humor about their mascot.
Well, my fifth grade teacher went to the Boiling Springs High School in Boiling Springs, PA. They are the Bubblers!
My high school was the Morton Potters...and our mascot was a guy with a pot for a head (and his ears were handles).
Morton, Illinois
very impressive. the Keene High Blackbirds seems better all the time. :)
I was just driving through new braunfels Texas and their highschool mascot is the unicorns. I'm not sure it gets much worse.
Well come to the beautiful Ojai, California and say hello to the Ojai Valley School Spuds...... Yep, a fricking potato.
Well come to the beautiful Ojai, California and say hello to the Ojai Valley School Spuds...... Yep, a fricking potato.
My old school was the Boiling springs bubblers, In boiling springs, PA. We held the second worst mascot in world record books other than the artichokes.
Down here in Texas we are the Unicorns....the freaking New Braunfels Unicorns! are you for real?
Shoals, Indiana are the Jug Rox. Named after a rock...really.
I'm from a town in Oklahoma and I am proud to say I am a Chickasha Fightin Chick! Our colors are purple and gold and our mascot is a, you guessed it, a giant baby chick woot!
In Utah we have the Jordan beat diggers. .... sadly they are amazing
I go to Tarpon High, and Spongers shouldn't be near the Hot Dogs. Are town has heritage with Sponge Diving. I don't know what history the Bunnies have.
Hoopston, IL.... CORNJERKERS
The Tarpon Springs Spongers refers to the town's past industry where men would go down to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico in crude diving suits to collect natural sponges. You know, the suits with the big metal headpieces with the glass door on the front of the face? A dangerous job, and actually, a pretty "inspiring" nickname, if you are not ignorant of the origin. Yes, I went to high school there...
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