Leaping to action, a member of the ER staff called 911. The 911 dispatcher called an ambulance. After a 4 to 6 minute wait, the ambulance arrived.
The ER staff made no attempt to step outside the door to look at the man, assess his needs or help him. That sort of emergency is something that emergency workers wouldn't handle. Rather than help, they chose to call 911 to assist a man they could see through the doors.
Fortunately, before the ambulance arrived, security guards did the logical thing-- they helped the man into the ER. Were it not for the security staff, the ambulance workers would have had to do the job.
According to Patti Simonar, director of emergency and critical care services for the region, what the ER staff did was standard procedure. After all, having the ER staff to go outside the door creates a risk for the patient (?) and staff.
In a similar incident, back in 2006, Ron Bitz arrived at the hospital ER 10 minutes before it opened (9:00 am) suffering from a heart attack. He was not allowed to come in. Rather, an ambulance was called. The rescue workers worked on him until 9 and then carried him into the ER.
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1 comment:
his is not so daft as first appears. In London I worked for a small hospital on a main road and accidents happened there regularly. (One of our doctors died on that road, it was that dangerous!)Having no Casualty department, and no appropriate doctors and set up, we always called an ambulance. We did not however ignore the incident, and while some were reluctant to get involved (insurance claims even then a possibility) there was always an immediate response from us lower orders. I suspect with the US desire for a quick buck through the courts people will always go by the book. Sad but that's how it is.
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