Computer geeks know that an "Easter Egg" is a hidden feature of a software program or website that is only seen if you know where to look…
For example...
If you go to and carefully put your cursor over the exclamation mark of the Yahoo logo, and click in the right spot, you will hear "Yahoo" sung through your speakers.
You can do a Google search in some pretty interesting languages…
- hacker speak (actually known as leet speak. it looks like gibberish, but it is readable if you look closely) (600673 kinda looks like Google, in leet speak)
- pirate language
- Remember the chef on Muppets who said bork bork bork? Well, you can do a bork bork search, too.
If you are using Firefox and type "about:Mozilla" (without quotes) on the address line you will be taken to a “verse” from Mozilla.
If you use Google Reader (and you should), go to your page and click anywhere on the colored stripe at the top of the page (under the search box, to the right of "add a subscription” do not put your cursor in any entry box). Hit this sequence: up down up down right left right left b a --in that order, and you will see a ninja appear.
Go to directory of all stores (link to Amazon). At the very bottom of the page, you will see the copyright date. Directly below that is a hidden box. If you cursor over it, you will see the link. Click on it. That hidden page was put there by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos as a way of honoring one of his former employees, David Rishers.
In fact, I put a nice “404” Easter Egg somewhere in this post. If you find it, click it... and look at it for at least 10 seconds. It is not what it appears to be at first. :)
Leave a comment if you do. Enjoy the egg hunt.
Happy Easter all. He is risen indeed.
That "up down..." sequence in a game called Contra for the nintendo all the time. It gave unlimited lives.
Ha... I found it :-) I love Easter Eggs... and Home star runner
I've had thousands read this post. Only a handful (like Kjaere) have actually found the hidden "Easter Egg" that leads to the "doodoo error."
(I have a program that tells me if people have found that Easter Egg or not.) Happy Hunting... it isn't that hard. :)
lol.actually i stumble upon this page when i am looking for pages about internet easter egg.then i can't stop myself from looking for it until i found it =D
congrats wEn :)
Now, you can live out the rest of your life in peace.
Glad you liked the hunt.
gahhhh give me a clue
a hint... okay.
I have created a link to the hint. It is only hint. If you need more help, let me know. If you get it, let me know that, too. :)
I am giving this a link for the sake of those who do not want to see it. :)
cut and paste this to your browser:
good luck :)
errrrr lol where do i look?! is it some on the left hand side or right or at the bottom or top.... is it big or small ort what hahaha
since you insist... here is the final clue which is more than a hint. :)
this link will only last a week.
i am triumphant!!!! i never got what that thing was :P
I'm glad :) Hope you had fun with it.
is the easter egg inside the post or in the whole page?
It is in the post. And since this post is old, I checked to be sure it still worked. It does.
Drop me a note when you find it. :)
hey man just found it... thats pretty funny, good job XD
Just found it. :)
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