Friday, May 22, 2009

one expensive test drive

Test driving a new car is usually free. This week, however, it proved to be quite an expensive venture for a 23-year-old man in Germany.

The unidentified man decided to test drive a new Audi convertible near Hanover. He put down the top, went out on the highway and brought the car up to speed.

The excitement of the test drive was interrupted by paper that started flying out of the back seat. The paper was a pile of 23,000 euros ($32,000) that the man intended to use to pay for the new car. For a short time, drivers behind the Audi were getting a shower of money.

The police stopped traffic along the roadway for a half hour while the man and police tried to recover his money. Fortunately, he was able to retrieve all but 3000 euros (around $4,000)... which was presumably taken by other drivers.

The man's expensive test-drive probably won't end there. He may also have to pay for the time that the police wasted helping in the search.

No word on how a person could be this stupid.
link broken? backup url

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