Every weekday morning in Middleville, MI, a school bus stops in front of Lisa Snyder's home to pick up some neighborhood children. Unfortunately, a few of Lisa's neighborhood friends need to be at work before the bus arrives. So, Lisa has offered to keep an eye on their children for 15-40 minutes.
Each morning, 3 children come to Lisa's home to wait for the bus while their parents leave for work. Lisa is happy to do this for her friends and charges nothing for babysitting. The parents are glad for her willingness to help.
Apparently, that's a problem.
Last week, the Michigan Department of Human Services notified Lisa that she must cease-and-desist this helpfulness. They say that she needs to be licensed by the State of Michigan to provide that service for the three children. If she continues operating the illicit "daycare," she will be fined $1000 (and face further consequences if she continues beyond that).
Fortunately, one State Representative is trying to assist Lisa by creating legislation that will allow her to help her friends. The DHS will not comment on the case but undoubtedly will continue to be vigilant in protecting Michigan's children from helpful neighbors.
http://snipr.com/s6f5l [www_azcentral_com]
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