Tuesday, March 3, 2009

thanks for the hits

Yesterday, my pointless got its 50,000th hit. Whodathunkit? When I started this simply to entertain my son and his co-workers at the office, I never imagined I'd ever get to 50,000 hits from more than 160 countries. So, thank you, all!

Over the life of this blog, some articles have taken more hits than others. Here are the unofficial top 6 hit-getters. I don't necessarily believe these are the best posts, but they have drawn the most hits via search engines and Stumble-upon.

engaged to wed (label) which includes several unfortunate name combinations
from the police blotter (label)
revenge on cheating husband (photos)
man shaves IQ on his back (photo)
Robert Brock vs Robert Brock (stupid lawsuit)
koumpounophobia (strange disorder)

For some of my personal favorites, see the label cloud.

1 comment:

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Congrats! What a milestone!