Friday, January 8, 2010

nothing says "happy birthday" like 120,000 pounds of poop

Dick Kleis is a hopeless romantic. He is also a cow farmer with lots of manure.

This week, Dick wanted to wish his wife "Happy Birthday" in a particularly special way. So, he spelled it out for her in large brown letters on the side of a snowy hill in Iowa. The task took him about 3 hours and 120,000 pounds of manure, but he did it.

The shorthand message reads, "Happy Birthday, Love You." Carole Kleis thought it was the perfect birthday present.

For those who would like to give a similar gift, Dick says, "Any manure will work but the good, soft, gushy, warm stuff works the best. It kind of melts the snow." (And it will melt her heart, too.)

Who knows, maybe those words will be especially green come spring. [www_myfoxdc_com]

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