Tuesday, December 16, 2008

correcting the Christmas carols

Ever afraid that someone might somehow offend somebody somewhere, people who are politically correct and socially aware are blessing us with some changes to traditional Christmas carols (or shall we say, Holiday tunes??).

For example, one church has banned "O Little Town of Bethlehem" because it shows insensitivity to the current residents of Bethlehem.

What could be more sexist than referring to Jesus as "the newborn king?" In an effort to not offend, another church has changed the line "Hark! the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king" to "...glory to the Christ child, bring."

Just as sexist, they say, is the Christmas carol that sings, "O come let us adore Him." So, that line (found in O Come All Ye Faithful) has been changed to "O come in adoration." Apparently it is inappropriate to refer to Jesus as a male since that alienates all women. (??)

The weirdest job has been done on the traditional 12 Days of Christmas. It has been rewritten by a church official who feels that it should reflect more social awareness. In hopes of making the song more socially relevant, he has changed it to:

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
12 soldiers serving
11 lottery losers
10 hoodies hollering
Nine single mothers
Eight AIDS victims
Seven shoppers struggling
Six carers caring
Five repossessings
Four calling conmen
Three starving children
Two addicts shaking
And a poor homeless refugee

Now, that's catchy! Let's join hands and sing that around the Holiday tree with the kids.



Adullamite said...

I find it very easy t upset the PC class, especially when referring to her as he! Accidentally of course....:)

FriendinME said...

Adullamite, I just get a little annoyed at the whole thing. Funny that no one seems concerned that Christians might be offended that Jesus is being dismissed or made neuter.

These same people, btw, also removed reference to Mary being a virgin, since that might sound offensive and judgmental to non-virgins. (??)

My brother used to attend a church that is "politically correct." Jesus was referred to as "she" (the Christa). God was referred to as "she." But when they made reference to evil or Satan... yeah, that was a "he."


The Baroness said...

So sad.