For example, in England, a Santa and his elves were attacked by angry parents who felt that they had been ripped-off by the high prices £30 ($60) at a Christmas theme park. To add to the problem, some people had to wait 4 hours in the queue to see Santa. The combination pushed some parents over the edge.
All told, Santa, 3 elves and 3 security guards were assaulted by the irate parents.
Following the holiday theme, the park itself is currently under investigation for their prices and for mistreatment of animals-- including reindeer, huskies and donkeys.
In an unrelated holiday festivity, a 37-year-old man in Florida has been charged with felony assault after he threw a Christmas tree (complete with metal stand) at his father.
The tree missed its target. The man's parents overpowered him and stopped him from celebrating the holidays any further. The Christmas-tree-hurling son is hoping that Santa makes prison visits.
Slight misrepresentation there methinks. The attack on Santa and his guards was not about the wait. This concerned the 'rip-off' element of the 'Lapland Park.' The trading standards folk are already investigating this place.
Thanks, Adullamite. I did a re-write of this post to clarify. It appears that the attacks were caused by both issues, but the rip-off factor played the bigger part.
One parent and child had the chance to observe Santa in partial-costume having a smoke. If you click on the link and look at the pictures of the place, it is no wonder people felt ripped off!
Thanks for the comment.
It has closed down now!
Ho Ho Ho! as they say.
I do enjoy your blog, and have passed it on to many others. Good work!
Thank you for the nice words.
I am also glad to hear that "Winter Blunderland" has shut down. Was it because all the bad press caused people to stop coming or did the authorites shut it down?
And... thanks for sending others my way. I appreciate it.
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