Wednesday, May 14, 2008

marital rating scale

This chart was developed by Dr. George W. Crane back in 1939. Dr. Crane was a marriage counselor and wrote a nationally syndicated newspaper column entitled "The Worry Clinic."
(clicking on the image should make a little clearer)

Dr. Crane tried to be "scientific" when he created this test. He interviewed 600 husbands about their wives positive and negative qualities. He then listed the most frequently mentioned merits or demerits. (really?? red nail polish was one??)

However, Dr. Crane admittedly used his own personal bias in creating the order of the test. This is only the first page of the test. Since there were 50 items on the test, I am looking for the next four pages... and for the Husband's Chart.

I gave this test to my wife a minute ago and she --OUCH. Hey! put that DOWN! dang. what's the matter with you??? Geezzzzzzzz-that just missed my HEAD. STOP IT!!! ...that stinking HURTS

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