Acupuncture is a science that requires very precise placement of needles in specific parts of the body.
How would you feel about a blind acupuncture practitioner?
Juliana Cumbo is a 31 year old graduate intern at the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, Texas. She holds a master's degree in acupuncture and has passed the national board exams.
However, her first application for a license to practice acupuncture in Texas was turned down by the licensure committee. Cumbo has recently applied a second time.
The committee chairwoman, Meng-sheng Lin, said that she would probably vote against granting Cumbo a license. She noted that sometimes acupuncture causes bleeding that can cause a contamination risk.
Cumbo's attorney, David Cohen, says that failing to license Cumbo on the basis of her blindness is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
anyone feel like a game of "pin the tail on the donkey?"
please give your opinion about this in the next post...
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