police sketches/cctv photos are often helpful in finding the criminal. or not.
the attached article described him as "in his early 20s." sheesh. you know you are getting old when the gunmen look really young.
sure. I have seen this piece of cheese. ?
for similar posts, click "criminal sketches" label below
I saw those two guys and the cheese woman just this morning at the mall when I was shopping. I'm trying to find something interesting in designer toilet paper with kitchen paper towels to match. A well-coordinated home is always a joy to the weekend guests.
I saw those two guys and the cheese woman just this morning at the mall when I was shopping. I'm trying to find something interesting in designer toilet paper with kitchen paper towels to match. A well-coordinated home is always a joy to the weekend guests.
oops - I was trying to enter my name and all of a sudden the screen was gone with the waiting for blog owner approval. I fear I'll appear anonymous.
no longer anonymous, David. Of course, the name "David" doesn't actually tell me who you are. :)
David Hendrickx
David Armitage
David Johnson
David Steinberg
King David
Davey and Goliath
Davey Jones
David Letterman, maybe?
It is in fact David Johnson...although not one that would be on a list of famous people.
But then again, I don't really know who you are except that the humor-blogs rss feed forwards a link to your fine blog.
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